The hand gallery is a common form of corridor in traditional Chinese architecture, which is mostly s···抄手游廊是中国传统建筑中走廊的一种常用形式,多见于四合院中,是一种开敞式附属建筑,连接和包抄垂花门、厢···
A hutong is a small street between the main streets of a town or country, leading to the interior of···是指城镇或乡村里主要街道之间的、比较小的街道,一直通向居民区的内部。
Also known as " stream cup channel ". It is a kind of recreational facilities of ancient literates, ···又称 “流杯渠”。古代文人的一种游艺设施,多见于园林建筑中,是早期曲水流觞、赋诗赏景活动由户外移至人造···
A small building in a traditional Chinese garden. Capped and All around open, for people to rest, vi···中国传统园林中的一种小型建筑物。有顶且四周开敞,供人休憩、观赏之用 ,是园林中不可或缺的景观建筑。其造···
a kind of building envelope又称 “勾栏”。宋式建筑栏杆名称。设于楼阁殿亭等建筑物台基、踏道、平坐、楼梯边沿或桥梁两侧的围护结构。···
中国古代建筑工程术语。宋 《营造法式》中13个工种之一。指木架构建筑中起结构作用 的诸构件,如梁、柱、斗···
Adopting the most advanced hybrid structure of "lifting beam" and "piercing bucket" in traditional e···采用民族传统建筑工艺中最先进的“抬梁式”和“穿斗式”混合结构,布局严谨,讲究座向、主次、对称,外型堂···
1 a long tube of metal, plastic, etc., used to convey water, oil, gas, etc. 2 a long tube or case.用于布置竖向设备管线的竖向井道
Fortifications in East Asia also feature similar high structures. In particular, gates in Chinese···瓮城(wèng chéng),为古代城市的主要防御设施之一,可加强城堡或关隘的防守,而在城门外(亦有在城门内···
A well-known architectural ornament in China is the huabiao, often seen on the grounds of palaces, i···华表是一种中国古代传统建筑形式,属于古代宫殿、陵墓等大型建筑物前面做装饰用的巨大石柱,相传华表是部落···
The second layer of the algal well in the hall of the Ming and Qing dynasties was placed in the soil···明清殿堂内藻井的第二层,置于方井之土。其做法是通过抹角扔、套方叠置,使井口由 方形收束成八角形 。